to Sep 2

NY State Fair Honey Booth and Show

This year’s state fair will be for 13 days. There are many opportunities available to come volunteer at the ESHPA booth. Everyone is welcome to come share their knowledge of the bee and honey industry and to promote the organization at the same time. Contact our State Fair Director, Heather Dodds at to sign up or sign up through the SignUp Genius link posted below. We are looking for honey and products of the hive donations this year as we have in the past. If you are interested in helping with honey donations or products of the hive donations please contacted Heather ASAP to get more information. We look forward to seeing everyone this year in the booth!

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to Nov 11

2023 ESHPA Fall Conference

  • Embassy Suites by Hilton Syracuse Destiny USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mark your calendars for this years conference. More info has been posted on the main page. Pre-Registration will be posted also for those attending to sign-up ahead of time. We have 10 guest speakers this year as well as the honey show, mead show, and wax show. New this year is a photo contest!

Registration and Speaker info on our main page

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to Sep 5

NYS Fair Honey Booth

  • Horticulture Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year’s state fair will be for 13 days instead of the 21 that was scheduled last year. There are many opportunities available to come volunteer at the ESHPA booth. Everyone is welcome to come share their knowledge of the bee and honey industry and to promote the organization at the same time. Contact our State Fair Director, Heather Dodds at to sign up or sign up through the SignUpGenius

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2018 Fall Meeting Nov 1st - Nov 3rd
to Nov 3

2018 Fall Meeting Nov 1st - Nov 3rd


Join us for our 2018 Fall Meeting!

Thursday, Nov 1, 2018 1:00pm - Sat, Nov 3, 2018 4:00pm

Pre-registration and save, or register at the door, can't guarantee lunch or dinner will be available for at the door registrations, Pre-Register to save and guarantee meals. 

The ESHPA Fall Meeting will be held at:


Embassy Suites by Hilton - Syracuse Destiny USA
311 Hiawatha Blvd West
Syracuse, NY 13204

Preregister and SAVE!

2 Full days of Speakers and Beekeeping Presentations Featuring:

  • Live Auction, and Silent Auctions
  • Honey show with CASH prizes.
  • Mead Competition - start those carboys brewing now.

Optional Bus Tour Thursday:
(See further down for more details.)

  • Montezuma Winery
  • Hidden Marsh Distillery
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10:00 AM10:00

ESHPA 2018 Summer Picnic

  • Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Studies (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

JULY 21, 2018

Speakers: Diana Cox-Foster, Emma Mullen & Scott McArt

Come join us at the 2018 ESHPA Summer Picnic at the famous Cornell Dyce Labs!  We’re going to do some hands-in-the-hive learning, play some beekeeping games, win door prizes, enjoy a good lunch and listen to the latest from Cornell bee researchers.

Picnic Date: July 21, 2018

Location: Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Research, 209 Freese Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850

Cost: $35 – Does include catered lunch (until the 7/16/18 registration deadline, then no lunch ).  $35 Walk-in meeting-only registration also available.

Our special program includes a chance to learn from expert beekeepers (veils are required for everyone approaching live hives.)


8:30am - Registration Opens

9:30am - Speaker Diane Cox-Foster - USDA Pollinating Insect-Biology management systematic research leader.

Topic - "An Update on research of inert pesticide adjutant's"

10:30am - Speaker Emma Mullen - Cornell University Associate Cornell Pollinator Network.

Topic - "NYS Beekeeper tech team update"

11:00am - Speaker Scott McArt - Cornell University Assistant professor of Pollinator Health.

Topic - "Update on Cornell Research and discussion of Beekeeping Registry."

12:00pm - Catered lunch.

1:00pm - ESHPA Business Meeting

2:00pm – 4:00 pm   Breakout Sessions

  1. Signs of good queen health
  2. Splitting your Nuc and its care.
  3. Swarming
  4. Biology of the Varroa Mite.
  5. Evaluating your Brood; Production, Nutrition & Health.

4:00pm - Adjorn

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to Nov 18

ESHPA 2017 Fall Meeting

Save the date for the
ESHPA – OBA Joint Fall Meeting
November 17-18, 2017

Sheraton On The Falls Hotel
5875 Falls Ave, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 3K7
(You need passport or Enhanced License)

This year we’re traveling north over the border for a joint meeting with the Ontario Beekeepers Association. Just a reminder: you will need to have a valid US passport, or enhanced New York State drivers license/ID to cross the border into Canada. 

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10:00 AM10:00

ESHPA 2017 Summer Picnic

ESHPA 2017 Summer Picnic and
General Membership Meeting
July 22, 2017

Theme: Determining Hive Health

Come join us at the 2017 ESHPA Summer Picnic at the famous Cornell Dyce Labs!  We’re going to do some hands-in-the-hive learning, play some beekeeping games, win door prizes, enjoy a good lunch and listen to the latest from Cornell bee researchers.

Picnic Date: July 22, 2017

Location: Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Research, 209 Freese Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850

Cost: $25 – Does NOT include lunch (sorry, we're past the lunch reservation deadline).   Cost at door is also $25.

Register online at or use the coupon on page 2 of newsletter.

Our special program includes a chance to learn from expert beekeepers (veils are required for everyone approaching live hives.) Planned breakout sessions include:

  • “Varroa detection in the hive” taught by Emma Mullen, CCE Extension specialist

  • "Hive inspection basics" by Earl Villecco, commercial beekeeper

  • “Supplemental feeding strategies using sugars and pollen” by Jim Doan, commercial beekeeper

  • “Making splits and nucs” taught by Dan Winters, commercial beekeeper

  • “Preparing for the Fall Meeting honey show in Ontario” by Jon Ryan, commercial beekeeper

  • “Nosema detection” by Christina Wahl


10:00am   Welcome by President Mark Berninghausen

10:15am   Speakers: Dr. Scott McArt, Department of Entomology Cornell University with an update on Cornell’s NY research programs,  and Emma Mullen, Cornell Honey Bee Extension Associate, on Varroa Mite Updates.

11:15am   General membership meeting

                    Lots of door prizes from Mann-Lake, Dadant and Brushy Mountain

12:00pm   Catered lunch and some fun beekeeper themed contests by Michelle Fuller

1:00pm – 3:00 pm   Breakout Sessions (rotating 20 minute sessions)


Scott McArt is an assistant professor of pollinator health at the Cornell Department of Entomology. Before starting at Cornell in 2014, he completed his Masters at the University of Alaska, PhD at Cornell and a postdoc at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Major current research projects include: 1) Assessing pesticide risk to bees across different landscape and agricultural contexts, 2) Evaluating the relative importance of pesticides, pathogens and other factors on colony performance, and 3) Understanding pathogen transmission in complex plant-pollinator networks. Current extension efforts include the NYS beekeeper tech team, training veterinarians on honey bee diseases as part of the new Veterinary Feed Directive and advising growers on pest control practices that minimize risk to bees.

Emma comes to us from Ontario, Canada, where she completed her Master’s degree in honey bee behavioral genetics at Western University and served as the campus beekeeper. She then worked at the University of Guelph, reporting to the Ministry of Agriculture on the status and trends of bee health in Ontario. 

The ESHPA summer board meeting will be held at Dyce Labs the night before (July 21, 2017) at 4 pm followed by networking at a local micro-brewery.   All members are welcome to come to the board meeting and join the board for dinner afterward.

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9:00 AM09:00

Western New York Honey Producers Association

The Western New York Honey Producers Association is honored to sponsor and announce that the internationally recognized, honeybee expert and editor of Bee Culture magazine, Kim Flottum will be speaking on Saturday May 20, 2017 on the topic of "10 Rules of Modern Beekeeping". The presentation will start at 9am at Baker Memorial United Methodist Church in East Aurora, NY. More details at

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8:00 AM08:00

2017 Geneva Bee Conference

The Geneva Bee Conference is a joint meeting between joint meeting between two area beekeeper’s organizations – the Ontario-Finger Lakes Beekeepers Association and the Finger Lakes Beekeeper’s Club. The Conference is open to the public and all are welcome to join either organization.

The 2017 Geneva Bee Conference will be held Saturday, March 18th, starting at 9am at Hobart and William Smith’s Scandling Campus, in the Vandervort Room. Following will be a evening social at Wicked Waters.

Lunch will be a buffet style lunch.

We’ll have multiple speakers this year:

  • Dr. Dewey Caron

  • Master Beekeeper Kent Williams

  • Frank Licata

We have an exciting conference planned with many things this year, Don't forget about our

  • Evening Social at a local Winery

  • Raffle

  • Silent Auction

  • Door Prizes

  • Honey Swap

  • Photo Contest

Please bring a jar or two of your honey for the honey swap, bring a few jars of yours leave with other beekeepers honey. This is a great way to see different packaging and try honey from around our state, and who knows, maybe from around the country. If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction or raffle, please email us at

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8:30 AM08:30

2017 SABA Seminar

Join SABA for our annual seminar, where guest speakers from around the country share information of interest to beekeepers of all levels.

2017 Annual Beekeeping Seminar
March 4, 2017, 8:30 AM – 5 PM
TECSMART Conference Facility
345 Hermes Road, Malta NY 12020

Featured Guest Speakers & Topics:

Peter L. Borst, former Senior Apiarist at Cornell’s Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Research, former NYS Apiary Inspector, Vice-President of the Finger Lakes Bee Club, and a contributor to the American Bee Journal

  • The History of Bee Breeding
  • Anarchists in the Hive: The Mystery of Honey Bee Cooperation

William Hesbach, EAS Master Beekeeper, contributor to Bee Culture and BEEKeeping magazine, and a member of the Board of Directors of Back Yard Beekeepers Association (CT)

  • Bee Biology: Beyond the Basics
  • Two Queens, One Hive: The Principles and Practices of Multiple Queen Management

Dr. Dale Hill, Animal nutrition consultant with 38 years of animal nutrition formulation experience, primary developer of Dadant’s AP23 pollen substitute, updated the nutrition chapter in The Hive and the Honey Bee (current edition), and instructs the Nutrition section of the Montana Master Beekeepers course

  • Nutrition of the Honey Bee
  • Northeast Plants for Honey Bees

Seminar Cost: $33 for current SABA members; $38 for non-members. Last year we had almost a full house, and it may be necessary this year to take only pre-registered people (maybe no walk-ins), so please register early to reserve your spot.

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to Nov 5

ESHPA Fall Meeting

The ESHPA Fall Meeting will be held at

Embassy Suites Syracuse
6646 Old Collamer Rd South.    (Same location as 2014)
East Syracuse, NY 13057

Our theme is "HEALTHY BEES"

Two Full Days of Speakers and Beekeeping Presentations!

  • Live Auction, and Silent Auctions
  • Honey show with CASH prizes.
  • Mead Competition - start those carboys brewing now.
  • Beekeeper of the Year award.

Click here for more details

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to Sep 5

New York State Fair Honey Booth Sign-up

  • Google Calendar ICS

We are looking for volunteers to staff the ESHPA booth at the NYS Fair. Dates are Thursday, August 25 to Monday, September 5.

Contact Hans Junga at to volunteer.

Also as a side note the deadline to sign up for the honey competition is July 29th. You need to register by then in order to compete in the honey competition. Registering can be done online at the state fair website from the Competitions tab.

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10:00 AM10:00

ESHPA 2016 Summer Picnic

Come join us at the 2016 ESHPA summer picnic at the famous Cornell Dyce Labs! Bring a dish to pass and your bee veil. We're going to do some hands-in-the-hive learning and get a briefing on how we can aid bee research in NY.

Date: July 23, 2016

Time: 10:00 Am to 3 Pm

Cost: $15 - Includes roast chicken entree and hands-on sessions at the beehives


Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Research
209 Freese Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850

Theme: Hands-on Learning and a talk on the value of NY beekeeper registration to research.

Our special program includes a chance to learn hive maniplulations with expert beekeepers. Planned breakout groups include: "Queen Rearing," "Splitting nucs," "Reading a hive" and "questions and answers."
*** Bee veils will be required for all participants.***


10 am - Welcome comments by President of ESHPA - Mark Berninghausen
10:15 am - Speakers Talks
11:15 am - General Membership Meeting
Noon - Potluck lunch
1 pm - 3pm - Breakout Sessions

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9:00 AM09:00

SABA Seminar

SABA Seminar

Please join us Saturday April 9, 2016,   9 am – 5 pm at the HVCC TEC-SMART facility at 345 Hermes Rd. in Malta NY

The Speakers:

Dewey Caron, Allen Hayes, Grai Rice & Chris Harp

Each speaker will give two presentations.  Presentations will run sequentially.

TEC SMART is a lovely facility designed for classes and conferences.  Our lectures, lunch, vendor booths and Bee-Cup fundraiser will all be in one building, all on the first floor.  It is easy to get to, close to exit 12 of  I-87. 

Seminar Cost: $ 45, or $ 35 for current SABA members.  Last year we had almost a full house, and it may be necessary this year to take only preregistered people (maybe no walk-ins).

A SABA membership runs the calendar year, and costs $15 for one year, $60 for 5 years, $150 for Life.

Box Lunch from Panera Bread:  $12.  (½ sandwich, side salad, big cookie, chips, drink. Vegetarian lunches will be available.) You must  pre-order to get a Panera Bread box lunch.  You may instead bring a bag lunch, use the vending machines, or drive 1.5 miles to a diner, KFC, Subway, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Hannaford, etc.  We will have a 1 hour lunch break.

Bee-Cup Auction:  Many donations will be given away in a fundraiser for SABA.  This fundraiser helps support the club by bringing in guest speakers, and it also supplements the Wolf-Lounsbury Youth Beekeeper Award, an annual award of a new hive, bees and gear, with instruction, given to a youth of Middle or High School age.

Vendors:  Multiple major beekeeping suppliers will have booths at the Seminar. You may make pre-orders.

Dinner with speakers: On Friday April 8, you can join speakers for dinner in Ballston Lake NY.  Please send a deposit of $38 per person if you will attend.

Hotel:  The Fairfield Inn & Suites Saratoga/Malta (101 Saratoga Village Boulevard, Malta, NY 12020, 518-899-6900) has a block discounted, 2 double beds or one king ($104). Say Beekeeper!

Seminar Registration and Payment:  You may register by mail and pay by check/money order, or you may Contact Seminar Organizer Anne Frey 518- 895-8744 or for general questions.  

For payment/registration questions, contact Treasurer Trish Manning. or 518- 831-9018

 Also, please see our website,

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9:00 AM09:00

Geneva Bee Conference

The Geneva Bee Conference is a joint meeting between joint meeting between two area beekeeper’s organizations – the Ontario-Finger Lakes Beekeepers Association and the Finger Lakes Beekeeper’s Club. The Conference is open to the public and all are welcome to join either organization.

The 2016 Geneva Bee Conference will be held Saturday, March 19th, starting at 9am at Hobart and William Smith’s Scandling Campus, in the Vandervort Room. Following will be a evening social at 3 Brothers Winery.

We also are NOT doing a potluck lunch, instead lunch tickets can be purchased when registering.

We’ll have multiple speakers this year:

  • Dr. Tom Seeley

  • Mike Palmer

  • Jim Ochterski

  • Shelley Stuart

  • Frank Licata

We have an exciting conference planned with many new things this year, Don't forget about our

  • Evening Social at a local Winery

  • Raffle

  • Silent Auction

  • Door Prizes

  • Honey Swap

  • Photo Contest

Please bring a jar or two of your honey for the honey swap, bring a few jars of yours leave with other beekeepers honey. This is a great way to see different packaging and try honey from around our state, and who knows, maybe from around the country. If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction or raffle, please email us at

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8:00 AM08:00


The Long Island Bee Club is proud and excited to host the 3rd annual 2015 GREATER NY BEE CONFERENCE on Sunday October 18th at the D'Angelo Center at St. John's University, Queens N.Y..

Diana Sammataro, Jay Evans, Timothy Leslie and Rachael Bonoan will be delivering 6 seminarsthroughout the  day on topics of honeybee healthand management techniques that will help us to become better beekeepers.

In addition 5 top beekeeping companies will be on hand for beekeepers to shop and purchase a wide variety of beekeeping supplies, equipment and novelties.  Many of the companies will accept preorders saving beekeepers shipping charges.  The list of participating bee supply companies will be identified on our website in the Bee Conference section.

For registration information and additional details they can visit our website at

For further information please contact Moira Alexander at 631 265 8249 or

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9:00 AM09:00

Beekeeping Two Day Saturday Workshop @ SUNY Cobleskill

Beekeeping Two Day Saturday Workshop Otober 3 and 10th from 9 - 4pm @ SUNY Cobleskill.

Beekeeping Workshop with Christine O'Dell, Adjunct Professor at SUNY Cobleskill. Students will learn the lives of the honeybees and the basic requirement and responsibilities of keeping bees. They will understand the mechanics of the hive and the tools involved to keep a healthy hive. Also, instruction will cover the history of bees, bee anatomy, bee biology, hive congruency and natural hive design, apiary site selection, bee health, patterns of nectar & pollen flow, seasonal concerns and methods for recognizing the needs of bees. Other topics will include installing bee packages, assembling hive wooden ware, cleaning burr comb, harvesting honey, recognizing healthy brood patterns as well as signs of problems, disease and pest identification and control, chemical treatments and watching and preparing for swarm season. We all need to understand the importance of bees in agriculture and in the pollination of our food. Class time will include lecture, discussion and hands-on work in an active bee hive.

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9:00 AM09:00

Protecting Pollinators: The New York State Pollinator Conference

Protecting Pollinators: The New York State Pollinator Conference

 The amount of information on pollinator issues seems to increase daily. People are asking how they can protect pollinators or how ornamental plant production and management methods might affect them.  NYS IPM is presenting a conference on pollinators aimed at giving you background on the state of pollinators and some practical applications on how they can be protected and conserved. Albany CCE, Voorheesville, NY on September 22nd, 2015.

For information on the program and how to register, go to the conference website

Drs Scott McArt and Emma Mullen from Cornell Department of Entomology will discuss the current state of pollinator health. Dan Gilrein will cover current research related to ornamentals, Laurie Broccolo, of Broccolo Tree and Lawn Care will talk about how she is working with homeowners and Jennifer Stengle will discuss the ways gardeners might approach the issue. And a member of the NY State Pollinator Task Force will give an overview of the statewide plans to protect pollinators. Plus so much more!

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10:00 AM10:00

ESHPA Summer Picnic

ESHPA Summer Picnic

Saturday, July 18, 2015

10:00am 5:00pm

This year's summer meeting/picnic is NEAR BetterBee in Greenwich, NY.

The picnic is at July 18, 2015   10 am
Washington County Fairgrounds
392 Old Schuylerville Rd., Greenwich, NY 12834


10:00  am   Welcome by President Mark Berninghausen

10:15  am   Dr. Jack Rath—“Wintering the Betterbee Way”

11:15  am   General membership meeting

12:00  pm   Potluck lunch

1:00  pm    Alan Tremblay — “Canadian Hive Wraps”

1:45  pm    John Gibbs—“Indoor Wintering”

2:30  pm    Paul Cappy—”Cheap Insulated Winter Cover”

 Open house at Betterbee just a couple miles down the road from the fairgrounds (9-4 pm).
Call in your orders ahead of time for pickup. 

8 Meader Rd., Greenwich, NY 12834

Limited quantity of roast chicken, drinks, and locally made honey ice cream will be available, $7 suggested donation.

Our Speakers:

Dr. Jack Rath is a northern queen breeder, veterinarian, and co-owner of Betterbee.  He has been keeping bees since he mail ordered this first hive in1968 from Montgomery Ward.

Alan Tremblay is a beekeeper in the Southern Tier, and is a neighbor beekeeper to Joe Rowland.  Allen originally comes from Canada, where he was a commercial beekeeper producing clover honey.  He kept at least 1000 colonies of bees, and he was very good at wintering them in Canada. He uses the system he developed to winter his colonies in NY. The honey he produces in NY is sold at the NYC Green Markets. He has a very successful second career owning his own business as a tax consultant.  This includes preparing the yearly federal and state tax returns for his clients.

John Gibbs caught his first swarm in 1983 and it was love at first sight. He just couldn't leave them alone. Through the years it got worse, he kept adding more and more hives and he’s still loving it.  But with every winter came such a disappointment.  In 2006 they were thinking about the next five year plan.  The cost in fuel, or trucking, to go south had been kicked around. They started really thinking about inside wintering so he built a building to just for this. He says it is a lot easier then you may think.  Today they can winter 3000 hives.  This building enables them to send bees to California, a big plus for the business.  It worked out for them, but yes, there is more to it then these words.

Paul Cappy is the NY State Apiculturist, Division of Plant Industry, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets."

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9:00 AM09:00

Geneva Bee Conference

The 2015 Geneva Bee Conference is a joint venture of the Ontario-Finger Lakes Beekeepers Association and the Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club.

Click here for the Geneva Bee Conference website.

Date: 3/14/15

Time: 9am-5pm

Place: Hobart & William Smith College, Geneva, NY. In Vandervort Room in Scandling Campus

300 Pulteney Street, Geneva, NY 14456


Dan O’Hanlon

Dan has been a beekeeper & queen producer in West Virginia for many decades.  He is an officer in his local bee club and the founder of the West Virginia Queen Producers, an organization dedicated to supporting local queen producers.  Dan led the effort to pass the first bill in the nation granting beekeepers immunity from civil liability.  Dan was selected as the 2011 Beekeeper of the Year by the WV Beekeepers Association.

Roberta Severson -Extension Associate Cornell University

Roberta “Bobbie” Severson is Director of the Cornell University Cooperative Enterprise Program. The program focuses on conducting research and providing education and information about cooperative-structured businesses in the farm and food sector. She serves as the Executive Secretary of the Northeast Cooperative Council, an organization of agriculture and finance cooperatives headquartered or doing business in New York State, Pennsylvania, and New England. The NECC provides professional development for cooperative directors and senior level management. Prior to coming to the Cooperative Enterprise Program, she was an Agricultural Economic Development Specialist at Cornell Cooperative Extension, Seneca County and the Agriculture and 4-H Program Leader at Cornell Cooperative Extension, Onondaga County. She was a co-managing partner on her family’s dairy farm in Marcellus, NY.

Peter L Borst -Cornell University

Peter Loring Borst has worked in the beekeeping industry since his first job working as beekeeper’s helper in Wolcott NY, in 1974. Peter was Senior Apiarist at Cornell’s Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Research for seven years. He was an apiary inspector for New York State from 2006 to 2008. He hold the office of vice president of the Finger Lakes Bee Club and is a regular contributor to the American Bee Journal.


Cost: $30/person, $50/couple. Discounts available, please see link below.

For more details follow the link below:

Click here for the Geneva Bee Conference website.


Directions to college from the North:
From the New York State Thruway (I-90), take exit 42-Geneva. Once through the toll booth, turn right, heading south on Route 14 toward Geneva. Travel approximately 5.8 miles through the City of Geneva.  Turn right onto Seneca Street. Travel to the top of the hill to the “T” intersection. Turn left onto South Main Street/Route 14. Continue approximately .7 miles. You’ll pass through the commercial district and enter the campus area.

Directions from the South:
From the Southern Tier Expressway (Route I-86/17), take the Elmira exit off I-86 for Route 14 North. Follow Route 14, approximately 50 miles, until you reach Geneva.

Directions to Medbery Parking Lot:
From South Main Street, turn right onto St. Clair Street at the President’s Home (a large, white, pillared residence). At the first stop sign, turn right on to Pulteney Street. Medbery Parking Lot (the visitor’s lot) will be down the street on the right. Park here.

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