Vendor Online registration
and payment center
This is a 4 step process, first choose your Booth, next your meals and quantities to match the number of people coming and lastly complete your order.
Step 1
Reserve your booth space, which includes lunch for 1 person. Does NOT include Friday Night Banquet.
If you need more lunches or Friday Banquet, use the items in step 2.
Once you hit add to cart, a registration form will pop-up that needs to be filled out.
Full Size Booth ($200.00)
(1) 8’x10’ vendor booth.
(1) 6’ table and (1) chair.
(1) complimentary Conference Registration, includes lunch and break for two days.
Additional space and 1 table for extra $100.
Please Note
Meals for 1 person is included.
Accommodations are not included. Please see link to conference hotel link on our web site.
Wi-Fi is available in the Vendor Hall
Setup for booths is Thursday afternoon any time after 2pm.
Entry is on ground floor/ East Entrance.
Vendor Coordinators, please see mail in vendor form for phone contact info -
Kimberley Ess (Event Coordinator)
Ben Carpenter (1st VP and Meeting Chair)
Dan Winter (President)
Step 2
Add Lunches and Friday Night Banquets, make sure the quantity matches the number of people coming with you. All registrations and prices are PER PERSON. Please make sure your quantity of each item adds to the total number of people coming to the event. Your booth comes with 1 lunch but NOT Friday Night Banquet.
Step 3
Get additional exposure by placing an ad in our program.
Step 4
In the upper right hand side of your screen should be your shopping cart, click on it to pay and complete your order.
You should get a confirmation email once we have completed your order, this could take a few days. By purchasing your booth or ad space, you are agreeing to the code of conduct below.
ESHPA Fall Meeting Vendor
Code of Conduct
The following code of conduct must be signed and submitted with your vendor registration. Failure to sign and return with your registration will void any registration submitted. Failure to follow our code of conduct will result in loss of vendor space and forfeiture of all fees paid. Due to the overwhelming response to the ESPHA Fall Meeting , we feel it prudent to implement a Code of Conduct for vendors, in order to help the conference run smoothly for all who attend. The Empire State Honey Producers Association ask the following:
Vendors located nearby or outside the meeting room respect the speakers and attendees during talks, and keep any necessary conversations quiet and non-disruptive to those sitting nearby. Vendors located outside of the meeting room are asked to be mindful of noise levels that may carry to adjacent rooms and disrupt activities. This will ensure all have a positive experience.
Vendors act professionally, and in a positive manner.
Vendors keep products and literature within their designated spaces, and not unduly limit traffic flow, particularly near doors and emergency exits. Items on any information table are managed by conference staff, do not rearrange or place or remove items from these tables.
No displays, products or services will be displayed, handed out or out on a vendor table that is political or religious in manner. This meeting is not a platform for those themes.
Vendors will not be allowed to address the group directly, this includes announcing things from your vendor booth (i.e shouting information about your products and or services), rather you can address guests as they visit your vendor booth.
Vendors must not ask speakers to talk about their products or services. Speakers are there to rely their information, not push your agenda. This has happened in the past and will not be tolerated. It puts the speaker in an awkward position. Speakers are our guests, not billboards.
Personal attacks, slander, derogatory messages, bullying and alike, whether directed at beekeeping practices, another beekeeper, any association or any meeting attendee, will not be tolerated and vendors or others partaking in this behavior will be immediately removed from the meeting, forfeiting any money paid to the meeting.
Complaints regarding vendor conduct will be fielded by meeting planning staff. If problems cannot be resolved or a vendor chooses to ignore this code of conduct, you will be asked to leave immediately. This will be done at the sole discretion of the meeting planning staff.
This year we have a very full, tight schedule, and expect to have another excellent ESHPA Fall Meeting to sell out. Thank you for your part in making this a positive experience for all who participate.
By signing below, you, your staff and your organization agree to follow the code of conduct above and that if you witness someone violating our code of conduct, you will report it immediately to meeting planning staff, who will handle the situation directly.